4 Simple dressing advice which are going to make you look better during your Barcelona Portrait Session
4 Simple dressing advice which are going to make you look better - Tips for the perfect Barcelona Couples Portraiture
You are asking yourself, how can we dress up the best for our upcoming couple portrait in Barcelona? Read on :-)
Many people are confused when it come to the topic of clothing and styling for a professional portrait session in Barcelona. Actually it is rather easy to be well prepared. The clothes don’t have to be particularity expensive or special. In contrary, it can be often better to have simple clothes which are not distracting from you; the couple.
1. Wear well fitted clothes
Try to avoid to big, or to tight clothes. To big clothes might look even bigger in images. If you have a great figure, don’t be afraid to show it :-)
A great fit for man means that your shirt or t-shirt’s shoulder should align with your shoulder. The length should be slightly below the waistline.
For women, do not wear a body tight dress. Getting your picture taking, especially during a summer portrait session in Barcelona’s Gothic Quarter, you will get hot quite fast. A nice summer dress can be found for a few bucks at H&M or Zara.
2. Simple colors for the essentials
You love the recent summer dress which is rainbow colored? Good for you, but try to wear something which is timeless, and fashionable 5 or 10 years from now. Your outfit should compliment you, not overpower you. Earthy tones are the best. Try to avoid bright white, because it can look bad with a pale skin color. If you want to go heavy on color, you can. But avoid pans, shirts and dresses. Rather make your accessories stand out, like your shoes for example.
If you want to make a statement, think about the location in which you want to be photographed in too. In the Gothic quarter, you will fin mostly warm tones, light orange colors. If you choose a blue or turquoise dress, you will stand out. If we are going to the beach, an orange dress could be nice. In the park, a red dress might be the right choice.
3. Match your style
When choosing your outfit, also take the outfit of your significant other into account. You might wear same color, or complementary one. Also try to match the style. It can look great if both of you come casual or elegant. Try to be a match.
A family with simple pastel colored apparel
4. Don’t carry a backpack
A backpack can be very handy when stalling through a foreign city. For photography session I would suggest you to leave it at home, to avoid stress. You probably don’t want to include it in your romantic photography session, so you are likely to put it on the floor. Any bigger city, but unfortunately Barcelona in particular is attractive to pick pockets. When you are getting ready for your picture, you are leaving your back on the floor during the photography session. This will distract and stress you and it shows in the images. So leave your stuff in your Hotel and pick it up after the photography session! Not an option? Well, get a locker (their are some storage facilities close to Placa Cataluna, and leave your belongings there.
5. Bonus Tip: Professional Makeup and hair stylist
Honestly, I believe most woman know how to apply makeup on their own in a way, that suits them and looks great. However a professional makeup artist has some unique advantages.
Applying makeup for a photography session is different than applying makeup for the day to day life. The camera sees things a but differently. The right amount is key to get the best results.
Sitting in the makeup chair, is a great way to get you comfortable and relaxed. When my couples choose to go ahead with a professional makeup session, I usually join them during this process. This is a great time to get to know my clients better. In addition, when people leave the chair, they have more confidence and this transfers to the photography session.
Makeup-artist at work
In conclusion, to get prepare yourself the best for a great photography session with a professional photographer in Barcelona, do not overthink it, try to have a good time and good images will come automatically.